samedi 8 novembre 2014

Laisse-moi t'aimer.

Mon amour pour toi et plus
puissante qu'une chanson d'amour,
Plus profond que l'océan

Laisse-moi t'aimer de tout mon être,de tout mon
âme,de tout mon coeur.

Mon amour pour toi et plus
fort que les rayons du soleil,plus
beau qu'un coucher du soleil.

Laisse-moi t'aimer de tout mon être,de tout mon
âme,de tout mon coeur.

Mon amour pour toi et plus beau que
les couleurs d'automne.
Une ribambelle de couleurs.

Laisse-moi t'aimer de tout mon être,de tout mon
âme,de tout mon coeur.

Mon amour pour toi
me donne des ailes.
C'est le paradis en enfer;

Laisse-moi t'aimer de tout mon être,de tout mon
âme,de tout mon coeur.

Just let me be ....

Let me be your fantasy
I want you to feel loved,and special.
Feel that you are unique and rare,and  know
that you have a special place in my heart.
Be my Romeo,let me be your Juliette.

Let me be your.
I'm not a trophy,let me be your soul mate,your best friends,the one
you can confide in.I see soo much good in you,
Let me be the one and only one.

Let me be the one that make your smile the one that you need.
I want you to teach me,let me be a ,a+ student.
Be patient with me,i'm a mini-wheat,i'm full of suprises,let me surprise you.
Let me cherrish and love you.

Let me be the one that make you happy,let me make you feel that
you are truly a amazing guy.
Let me help you,together we can make all yours dreams come trues.
Never let me go please,let me make you feel important,because you are
truly are important to me.

Let me hug you,let me light up your life.
I will let you cry on my shoulder,i will hold your hand,i will stand by you.
Please tell me,why me? Please compliment me by thinking it.
I need it so much to hear from you,to feel that you are sincerly in love with me.
Let me complete you.

You are special to me in everyway.
Let me be your partner,your joy,your happiness,your everything,let me be your love.
Everyday i'm feeling lucky to have you,let me be your sunshine.
Let me be your princess and will you be my prince?Thank for beein who your are.
Just let me be..........