lundi 4 février 2013

"I'd love nothing more than to kiss you right now."

Come closer, I want to whisper something in your ear.
Let me caress your hair and hold you in my arms.
I want to look in your eyes, your eyes drive me crazy.
I just love to see your smile.

I want to taste your sensual and kissable lips, a little more every day.
To say to you I love you non-stop.
I want to sleep In Your arms all My Life.
I want to kiss you night and day!

I want to embrace you, kiss you softly, tenderly, for a long 
time with my heart pounding.
Love...I want to love you!
I'd love nothing more than to kiss you right now!

I want to kiss you all over,
Kiss you under the moonlight, under the stars, in the rain.
Oh yeah, you got it right, I want to kiss you!
Kiss you on the beach, in the shower, in the park.
Let me kiss you, your lips make me dream.

No matter the weather, the time or the place.
When you kiss the person you love, no matter where it is; 

nothing in the world compares to that special moment.
Every kiss is special and amazing when you are in love with that person.
I love you! I'm in love with you Baby!

I want to embrace you, kiss you softly, tenderly, for a long 
time with my heart pounding.
Love...I want to love you!
I'd love nothing more than to kiss you right now!

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